Listen to Jonathan Beyer Live This Wednesday

Jonathan Beyer with Soprano Audrey Luna

Regular readers of this site will know that we've given barihunk Jonathan Beyer a lot of coverage for his uncanny ability to win singing competitions. Now you can hear this talented performer live on Wednesday, August 3rd no matter where you live. Beyer will be performing a recital that is being streamed worldwide.

The recital is part of the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert series. Since their inception in 1977, the concerts have been presented free of charge each week before live audiences of 500. More than 1,600 free weekly concerts have been presented in the series over the course of the past 34 years. The series is modeled after chamber music concerts presented by British Myra Hess in London's National Gallery during the German blitz on that city during the Second World War.
The concert will be broadcast live on WFMT 98.7 FM in Chicago at 12:15pm CST (6:15 PM London).
Beyer's program includes music of Tchaikovsky, Reynaldo Hahn, Ernesto Lecuona, and selections from Copland's Old American Songs.  For more information click HERE.
If you're in the Chicago area, you can attend the concert for free at the Chicago Cultural Center (78 E. Washington St. at Michigan Avenue). 
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