Schrott and Netrebko Nixed From Salzburg

Hot Schrott & Anna Netrebko
Erwin Schrott is in the middle of a successful run of Mozart's "Le nozze di Figaro" at the Salzburg Festival. He is playing Figaro opposite the Count of fellow barihunk Simon Keenlyside. The performance was broadcast worldwide yesterday to great acclaim and Schrott remains a fan favorite in the Austrian city.

So it came as a surprise when Schrott and his soprano wife, the equally beautiful Anna Netrebko, gave an interview to the German magazine NEWS and revealed that they are being nixed from future performances after Netrebko's upcoming Boheme.

NEWS: Weshalb kommt in Ihren Plänen für die nächsten Jahre Salzburg nicht vor?
Schrott: Ganz einfach deshalb, weil in ­Pereiras Plänen kein Platz für mich ist. Aber ich habe viele andere Projekte ­anderswo.

NEWS: Aber Sie, Frau Netrebko, singen nächstes Jahr die Mimi in Puccinis „Bohème“. Wie geht es dann weiter?
Netrebko: Danach gibt es auch für mich keine Projekte in Salzburg.

NEWS: Schmerzt das nicht?
Netrebko: Ja, das tut es.
Schrott: Ja, das tut es.
The worst part of the interview is that they both said that the obvious slight hurts. Netrebko and Schrott are not only rock stars in Austria and at Salzburg in particular, but they have become global ambassadors for the art form. If you want to see Schrott in what appears to be his final performances at Salzburg for awhile there are still limited tickets available for August 4, 11 and 13.

Schrott with the Susanna of Marlis Petersen at Salzburg
The couple also revealed that they plan on opening up a restaurant in Vienna in the near future. The couple joked that they didn't know yet if the menu would include Churrasco from Schrott's native Uraguay or Borscht from Netrebko's Russia.

Here is Schrott at Covent Garden performing "se vuol ballare":

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