Reader Submission and Graduating Today! John Brancy

John Brancy

John Brancy was suggested to us by two readers and this seems like an appropriate day to introduce him to readers, as he's graduating from Julliard today. Brancy has had the privelege of working with the great teacher and accompanist Steven Blier at Julliard. He's already appeared in concert with Blier and at the Caramoor Festival.

The word on Brancy is that he's destined for a successful career and he's a particularly gifted recitalist. He's appeared in a few operas already, including Theseus in Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Marco in Gianni Schicchi. This past summer, he made his debut as Sid in Albert Herring at Newfoundland's Opera on the Avalon Festival.

Brancy won first place in the 2007 Classical Singer Competition, The Gold Award from the National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts, Encouragement Awards from both Opera Index and the Kurt Weill Foundation's 2008 Lotte Lenya Competition, as well as second place in the 2010 Liederkranz competition. Mr. Brancy is in his fourth year of the bachelor of music degree program at Juilliard under the tutelage of Cynthia Hoffman.

Barihunks would like to congratulate this gifted young singer on the day of his graduation and looks forward to watching him on his path to success!

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