Hot Schrott Gets Devilish

Hot Schrott as Mefistofeles in Vienna
It's rare that we aren't the first site to post pictures of barihunks, but the above picture of Erwin Schrott as Mefistofeles in Faust from Vienna went viral on the internet as soon as the pictures appeared. Our contributor from Germany attended the opera and said it was one of the sexiest performances that she's ever seen.

For those of you who missed the performance, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that Scrott is scheduled to reprise the role in October at the Liceu in Barcelona. The bad news is that because of severe budget cuts the performance is now in concert version. So to satisfy your appetite for more Schrott, here are some additional pictures.

Devilishly Hot
We are also accepting submissions for an upcoming post on reader suggestions of barihunks who haven't appeared on this site before. You can send them to