Amazing New Releases From Erwin Schrott and Randal Turner

"Hot Schrott" images from Rojotango
If you're looking for some great music you might want want to check out two new releases that we're enjoying. The first is Erwin Schrott's new CD "Rojotango," which is enjoyable from beginning to end. You can watch the sexy Uruguayan barihunk talk about this new recording in a video produced by MTV by clicking below. You can download the music at iTunes.


Our other indulgence is American barihunk Randal Turner's new CD and DVD from his recent West Coast recital debut in San Francisco. Turner sings the music of "Living American Composers," including Glen Roven, Ricky Ian Gordon, Jake Heggie, Clint Borzoni and Julia Schwartz, who like Turner has settled in Switzerland. A little teaser: you won't want to miss the encore, which was arranged by his gifted accompanist Allen Perriello.

Click HERE to purchase the DVD

The CD is available at CD Baby and will be available on iTunes and Rhapsody shortly, so put it in your favorite searches or click the button below to purchase the CD now.

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Randal Turner: Living American Composers