Okulitch-Gilfry Update From Family

Daniel Okulitch
Baritone Rod Gilfry has sent out an email updating everyone on the status of his mezzo soprano daughter Carin Gilfy and baritone Daniel Okulitch after their serious car accident. We thought that many of our readers who know these two gifted young singers might want an update. Here it is:

Our daughter Carin did have a car accident on Tuesday, April 5, but, thankfully, she is OK!

Word of her accident has been spreading like wildfire, so I am sending this huge, mass e-mailing to everyone to allay any fears and exaggerations.

On Tuesday night, she was driving her Plymouth Neon in Los Angeles, with bass-baritone Daniel Okulitch in the passenger's seat.

An elderly man driving a Chevrolet Malibu ran a red light and collided with the passenger side at about a 45 degree angle.

Airbags deployed in both cars.  Yes, they were wearing their seat belts. Carin suffered a hairline fracture of the right wrist, a dislocated right shoulder and a bruised right ankle.  Her shoulder popped back in on its own and her wrist is in a cast.  Daniel suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae, and is in a neck brace for a while.  Both were discharged from the hospital within 24 hours.  The car appears to be totaled. The man driving the other car did not appear to be injured.

So, we are grateful it was not more serious!  It could have been so much worse!

Thank you for your prayers and worries and warm thoughts!

Carin & Rod Gilfry