A Hot New Billy Budd: Lauri Vasar in Düsseldorf

Lauri Vasar as Billy Budd
There are some sexy Billy Budd's in the world and the opera remains a great vehicle for barihunks. Now you can add Estonian baritone Lauri Vasar to the ranks of great Billy Budds.  The 40-year-old singer comes from a musical family. His father Harri Vassar was a renowned tenor who sang mostly operetta. His mother Ülla Millistfer is a pianist and concert mistress at the Estonian National Opera in Tallinn.

Other roles in Vasar's repertory include Marcello, Papageno, Don Giovanni, Eugene Onegin, Escamillo, Belcore and Almaviva in the Marriage of Figaro

Billy Budd in Düsseldorf
Billy Budd opens at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf on March 31 and runs through April 24. Check out their website for additional cast and performance information.

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